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What Video Interview Questions Should I Ask When Hiring Someone? (9 Simple Questions Answered)

Discover the Surprising Video Interview Questions You Need to Ask When Hiring Someone – 9 Simple Questions Answered!

When conducting a video interview, it is important to ask appropriate questions to assess the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Questions should be designed to evaluate the candidate’s professional background, communication skills, problem-solving ability, teamwork and collaboration, time management strategies, technical knowledge, and career goals. Additionally, it is important to conduct a professional background check to ensure the candidate is a good fit for the role.


  1. What Questions Should I Ask to Assess Qualifications and Experience?
  2. How Can I Conduct a Professional Background Check?
  3. How Do I Evaluate Communication Skills During an Interview?
  4. What Tests Can Help Me Assess Problem-Solving Ability?
  5. How Can I Measure Teamwork and Collaboration in a Video Interview?
  6. What Time Management Strategies Should Be Used When Hiring Someone?
  7. How Do You Test for Technical Knowledge During an Interview?
  8. What Are the Best Ways to Discuss Career Goals in a Video Interview?
  9. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What Questions Should I Ask to Assess Qualifications and Experience?

  1. How would your previous employers describe your work ethic and performance?
  2. Describe a project or task that you completed successfully in the past.
  3. What challenges have you faced in similar roles, and how did you overcome them?
  4. Tell me about a time when your skills were put to the test on the job.
  5. How do your qualifications match up with what we’re looking for in this position?
  6. Are there any areas of expertise where you feel particularly strong or weak?
  7. Have there been any recent changes to industry standards or regulations that could affect our business operations?
  8. Do you have any certifications related to this role or industry sector?
  9. What strategies have worked best for managing projects within tight deadlines and budgets?
  10. How comfortable are you working independently as well as part of a team?
  11. What methods do use to stay organized and prioritize tasks?
  12. Do understand the importance of customer service ,and how it relates to our company’s success?
  13. Are familiar with current trends and technologies relevant to this position?
  14. Can provide examples of successful problem-solving techniques used during past positions?

How Can I Conduct a Professional Background Check?

When conducting a professional background check, it is important to verify a candidate’s employment history, education, and credit report. Additionally, it is important to conduct reference checks, social media screening, and drug testing. Motor vehicle records checks, licensing and certification verifications, international background checks, identity authentication, address history searches, financial records analysis, sanctions list screenings, and terrorist watchlist screenings should also be conducted.

How Do I Evaluate Communication Skills During an Interview?

When evaluating communication skills during an interview, it is important to ask open-ended questions to assess the candidate’s verbal fluency, confidence level, and ability to explain complex concepts. Additionally, it is important to analyze their problem-solving skills, determine if they can think on their feet, check for active listening skills, and see if they are able to stay on topic. Furthermore, it is important to measure how well they respond to feedback, examine how effectively they handle criticism, assess whether or not they can work in a team environment, look for signs of effective communication with others, and check for good interpersonal and presentation skills.

What Tests Can Help Me Assess Problem-Solving Ability?

Tests that can help assess problem-solving ability include critical thinking assessments, analytical reasoning exams, situational judgement tests, decision making exercises, logic puzzles, brainteasers, problem solving simulations, IQ tests, personality assessments, group problem solving activities, interview questions about past experiences, scenario-based questions, coding challenges, and psychometric evaluations.

How Can I Measure Teamwork and Collaboration in a Video Interview?

When conducting a video interview, you can measure teamwork and collaboration by asking questions that assess the candidate’s communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, ability to work together towards a common goal, take initiative, respect for others’ ideas and opinions, listening skills, sharing of resources and knowledge, delegation of tasks, creative thinking and brainstorming, adaptability to change, openness to feedback, ability to work independently as well as in a team environment, leadership qualities, and time management skills. Additionally, you can ask the candidate to provide examples of how they have worked in a team setting in the past and how they have contributed to the success of the team. This will help you to gain a better understanding of the candidate’s teamwork and collaboration skills.

What Time Management Strategies Should Be Used When Hiring Someone?

When hiring someone, it is important to assess their time management skills. To do this, you should ask questions related to the strategies they use to manage their time. These strategies may include establishing goals, scheduling time blocks, tracking methods, delegating responsibilities, working efficiently and effectively, avoiding procrastination, managing distractions, staying organized, utilizing resources wisely, taking breaks when needed, creating a to-do list, breaking down large projects into smaller tasks, sticking to a routine, and reviewing progress regularly. By asking questions related to these strategies, you can gain insight into the candidate’s time management skills and determine if they are the right fit for the job.

How Do You Test for Technical Knowledge During an Interview?

When testing for technical knowledge during an interview, it is important to assess a candidate’s coding challenges, technical questions, knowledge of specific technologies, understanding of programming concepts, debugging exercises, whiteboard coding tests, algorithm design tasks, database query writing tests, system architecture analysis, networking troubleshooting scenarios, ability to explain technical concepts in layman’s terms, ability to communicate complex ideas effectively, analytical thinking and problem solving abilities, creative approaches to solving problems, attention to detail and accuracy, and time management skills.

What Are the Best Ways to Discuss Career Goals in a Video Interview?

The best ways to discuss career goals in a video interview are to explain why you are interested in the role, share what motivates you to succeed, discuss how the position fits into your long-term plans, talk about any relevant experience or skills that make you a good fit for the job, highlight any unique qualifications that set you apart from other candidates, demonstrate an understanding of the company’s mission and values, show enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with them, express interest in learning new skills and taking on additional responsibilities, detail how past experiences have prepared you for this role, provide examples of successful projects or initiatives that demonstrate your capabilities, discuss ways in which you can contribute to their success, explain how working with them will help further your own career objectives, outline specific steps taken towards achieving personal goals, and share ideas on how to improve processes or increase efficiency.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

  1. Mistake: Asking the same questions to all candidates.

    Correct Viewpoint: Every candidate should be asked different questions tailored to their experience and skillset. This will help you get a better understanding of how they would fit into the role and if they are the right person for it.
  2. Mistake: Not asking enough follow-up questions.

    Correct Viewpoint: Follow-up questions can provide more insight into a candidate’s thought process, problem solving abilities, and communication style which can help you make an informed decision about whether or not they are suitable for the job.
  3. Mistake: Focusing too much on technical skills rather than soft skills during interviews.

    Correct Viewpoint: While technical knowledge is important, it’s also essential to assess a candidate’s interpersonal skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership ability etc., as these qualities are just as important in determining success in any role within an organization.